Title 1
The Title I Schoolwide Program allows HIVE Preparatory School to provide supplemental instruction in the areas of Language Arts/Reading, Math, Science and/or Social Studies to our students through our School Improvement Plan (SIP). This plan has been cooperatively developed by our faculty and parents. We have tried very hard to make sure that our plan reflects the special needs of our students. Copies of the SIP and the Family Engagement Plan are available in the school’s Parent Resource Center/area and the main office as well as our Virtual Parent Resource Center. The District’s Title I Family Engagement Plan can be accessed online in English and Spanish. In general, this federal funding could be used to add supplemental instructional staff; purchase additional instructional materials and/or equipment; support the regular classroom with computer-assisted instruction; provide special training to parents and/or staff; and provide additional motivational/high interest activities for our students.
If you have any questions regarding the instruction your child is receiving at our school or about the Title I Schoolwide Program, please contact HIVE’s principal at 305-231-4888 or
Our Uniforms
Uniform combinations have been approved by your Board of Directors. The colors of the school polos are yellow, grey and black. The bottoms must be black or khaki uniform style bottoms. All pants, shorts and skorts must adhere to these guidelines. The official uniform must be worn every day. We expect compliance with the uniform requirements and it will be strictly enforced. If your child is out of uniform, we will call you to bring in the appropriate uniform. Please prepare for the cooler weather with an approved HIVE Prep sweat shirt or cardigan.
Uniform polos are available for purchase at:
Nationwide Embroidery
869 NW 183rd ST Miami, FL 33169
Telephone: 305-690-9990