STEM Education

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. By providing STEM education here at HIVE, we are giving students the opportunity to be creative, the chance to learn and apply inquiry skills as they collaborate with others. STEM fosters engineering and design thinking and helps students master math and science concepts.  Many STEM jobs each […]

Reading at Home is Fun

HIVE Prep ensures that each student is given the time to read each day. This is essential in order to learn and grow as a reader. Reading is all around us and it is our job, both as teachers and as parents, to get our students/children involved. Since reading is important at every level, what […]

Looking to Enroll?

Tours are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. No appointment necessary. For further information regarding HIVE Prep and its enrollment process, please contact Ketsia Fouquet at or at (305) 231-4888.

Why Choose HIVE

The mission at HIVE is to create a Highly Inquisitive Versatile Education that will facilitate a student-centered, adaptable learning environment. HIVE provides a safe, nurturing academic environment where all students will achieve high academic standards and professionals are empowered to embrace accountability.  HIVE ensures that students are exposed to a broad swath of cultural and […]

Tips and Ideas to Foster Reading at Home Over the Holiday

Reading Ideas: Read holiday bedtime stories. Have your child read the grocery list as you shop for your holiday meal. Bake holiday treats together and have your child read the recipe. Get excited to visit the library. Play board games and have your child read the cards. Reading Tips: Don’t leave home without it! Always […]

Giving at the Holiday Season

The holidays are a great time to teach children compassion and empathy for others. It is easy for children to be excited to receive gifts, but how do we develop the same enthusiasm for giving? Here are some examples of how you can involve your child in the joy of giving. Let your child shop […]

The Importance of Parent/Teacher Collaboration

Parents and teachers share the same goals for children and students; they want each individual to do their best. This will happen when parents and teachers work together. This can happen in a number of ways. Keeping lines of communication open between parents and teachers Parents help by setting aside time for schoolwork at home […]

7 Helpful Online Learning Sites for Kids

PBS Kids This is a great site for kids of all ages featuring all of your kids’ favorite characters from PBS! Random House Featuring books, activities, games and more all surrounding your favorite characters from Random House Books! This is a great way to make books come alive for little ones! Starfall Education This is a great […]

How Students can give back at the Holidays

Teaching children about the gift of giving during the holidays can make their holiday mean so much more than in past years. So many children are focused on receiving gifts which can result in the feeling of sadness when it’s all over. Teaching children how to give back to others over the holidays can make […]

So, How was School Today?

Have you ever asked your child “How was School Today?” only to get an answer such as “fine”, “good” or “bad”? This could be because of how the question is phrased. It is too easy for students to just give a one word answer. Here are a few examples of ways to ask and actually […]